Saturday, August 9, 2008

General Update, It's About Perspective

We've had a lot going on since we last spoke, internet.

George finally returned from his last youth trip. I know it doesn't seem like such a big deal that he's traveling 4-5 weeks of the summer, there are folks out there whose whole job involves traveling. The trouble is that for those 4-5 weeks, George is *ON* 24/7. He has to be all things to all people, youth or otherwise: social worker, dad, tour guide, bank, spiritual guide, driver, contractor, cook, maid, nurse. It takes a toll on him. He starts getting mentally ramped up for the summer about the beginning of May and doesn't return to himself until about mid-August. In between trips, he flies in and out of the house like a zombie, dropping off clothes and gear to be washed and repacked for the next trip. The kids and I are used to it and I do my best to keep everything moving along normally...I just wish I could sleep while he's gone.

In other news, we got a new mattress and box spring! Now at least when I'm not sleeping, I'm not in pain too. It's really nice and comfortable. I'm very happy with it.

George also had his 43rd birthday on Wednesday. The day went off without much fanfare except that we went to get the new mattress that evening after he got home from work. It's hard to get a birthday gift for someone who wants crazy expensive things like a table saw. Usually he winds up with cards from the kids, a special dinner, and a homemade cherry pie. So far none of those things have happened. I will make a pie this weekend.

Yesterday was our 21st anniversary. It's hard to believe I've been married longer now than I've not been married. Aside from the family members who are older than me, I've known George longer than anyone else. I know I'm better for it. He keeps me grounded and normal. Lord knows that I can go "high and to the right" about things. He brings a certain amount of perspective to life.

When we were on our way home from dinner and a movie last night (Bravo! {}and The Dark Knight) we were talking about people having kids when they're young. When we thought about it, we could have a child as old as 19 or 20!! (Crazy. There was no way that was happening.) Anyway the point of the conversation was whether or not we would be where we are now had we had children earlier in our marriage. We figured that we would have made "safer" carreer decisions. Chasing the next youth job all over the southwest probably wouldn't have figured in to providing a stable upbringing for a family. I am grateful for the way these last 21 years have unfolded. We've lived in some interesting cities, met amazing people and just generally have a whole lot of perspective on life and what it's about. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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