Monday, March 2, 2009

Mardi Gras Mambo

Internet, the last several days have been very busy. I think I'll approach this post in bullet form:

*Feb. 21-Spanish Town Mardi Gras parade. **Side Bar**Jake was feeling better from the flu; in fact, I should've sent him to school on Friday.**Close Side Bar**
Naturally, I forgot my camera. Suffice it to say that the boys and I had a great time. The theme for the parade this year was Bayou Bailout. For a parade that has no regard for political correctness, the theme was rich. Check out these photos for some insight to the Spanish Town parade. Please look at a bunch of the photos.

*Feb. 22-Slept in instead of going to church. At this time, I can't remember what we did! I do know that we waited with baited breath for the arrival of George after his trip to Aspen with Bruce.

*Feb. 23-Kids out of school for the Mardi Gras Holiday. Isn't south Louisiana the best? We didn't do much. George had to work, so the kids and I hung out at home. I think I cooked dinner...

*Feb. 24-Kids out of school and George off work. We went to Clark Creek National Park in Pond, MS for a hike (toward the end it may have been known as a forced march). It was a really great day. I wouldn't tell the kids what we were doing for the several days leading up to this fun family day because I didn't want to hear all of the complaining about going hiking. It was a really good day. We saw some beautiful waterfalls and enjoyed the outdoors.

We ate a late lunch at Sammy's in Zachary and called it a day. When we asked the kids if they had fun, they said it was great and they're looking forward to doing it again. By the way, the hike (forced march) was about 3 miles of steep up and down hills.

*Feb. 25-Kids back at school. The usual stuff.

*Feb. 26-SOS, but I went to Pokeno at the neighbor's house. That's a really strange bunch...maybe I'll tell you about it sometime!

*Feb. 27-George and I did the responsible thing and got a medical physical for life insurance. That's hot. Oh, yeah, baseball try-outs started Friday night.

*Feb. 28-More baseball try-outs. George is head coaching his 7-8 y.o. team, coordinating that league and assistant coaching for Zac's 11-12 y.o. team. What that means for me??? The next several nights alone at my favorite place: HOME. That's what I'm doing tonight. It's the first practice for both teams. Am I using my time wisely? Doing laundry? Washing dishes? Cleaning bathrooms? No...I'm updating my blog. whatever.

*Mar. 1-Church.

*Mar. 2-TODAY!!
It's been a good day. I got a lot done at work. Not so much at home, but I'm here alone, doing whatever I want.

Life is good.


Susanne said...

That looks like a great day! Love the hiking photo especially. Are you and George going to the ball again this year?

I'm sorry the flu hit at your house.

Susanne said...

Oh, and the forced march comment cracked me up. Do you remember when we used to take the kids to pick berries and how they acted like we had put them in a forced labor camp? And you and I were like, "whatever! these berries are cheap!"

jana said...

I need to get to our local berry farm. There's one not too far from us here. The forced march comment was more my attitude toward the end! Zac wasn't even winded after the hike!